Sunday, September 14, 2014

20 miles!

Family time post-run
Okay, so here is the reason I have been struggling with marathon training: I have a hard time mentally when I set out for a long run.   Although our tri workouts this past summer took several hours at a whack, it was easier for me to bike for 40 miles and then go was broken up.  I even broke my 17 miler up last month: 7 miles outside, 6 on the treadmill, then went outside again for the last 4.  Last weekend, I ran 3 before my half-marathon to get 16 in.  So, yes, getting the miles done but I need to be doing them all at together in the same spot (preferably outside).

Yesterday, Philip and I were going to run 18 miles, so decided to complete it at Lake North in Columbus.  One loop around the lake is 6.4 miles...three loops would be 19.2.  Philip thought we should add the .8 on so that our 20 miler would be taken care of and then could have a step-down run next weekend.

First loop: I filled Philip in on the particulars of the course at Twin Cities.  By the way, BEST COURSE EVER.  BEST MARATHON EVER.  Physically I felt good but was finishing up the first loop I was once again regretting my decision of signing up for the marathon.  We stopped back at our car to get a drink of gatorade and eat a Gu.  (I'm getting a bit tired of the Salted Caramel ones...)  One loop down, two loops to go.

Second loop: Tidbits of our conversation: Me: "Ya, know Eminem is just SO talented...but in a RAW way.  And I bet he gets really tired after a concert...he's always yelling SO loud!  And that Justin Timberlake...he's great, too.  He does it all--sing, dance, act.  But he started so young...and I wonder if all of his training helped? He must have an incredibly work ethic.  I like people with good work ethics."  Philip's response: "Yeah, I like people with good work ethics, too."  Poor Philip.  Us girls know how to ramble on and on.

I felt pretty decent as we finished up the second loop.  Suddenly, with about a quarter of a mile to go before we finished up loop #2, I spotted a tiny baby snapping turtle! "STOP!!," I yelled at Philip.  "Ugh, what now?!"  He obviously did not share my enthusiasm for marine life. (I once saw a very large snapper on this trail.  That was not as exciting.)  We made it back to the car and refueled again.

Third loop:  Still felt good.  I kept thinking, "Wow! This is really happening! I am actually doing a 20-miler today!!" I did start feeling it in my hamstrings and we had to stop a couple times to stretch those out.  We added on a bit at the end and finished the 20!! :)

In the end, I felt good most of the run.  Although I'm doubting it will be a fast marathon, I feel confident that Philip and I will feel decent during the marathon.  Those of you who have run them know how miserable they can be when you are hurting.

Here's to 26.2 three weeks from today!! :)


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