Sunday, September 7, 2014

Race Report: Freedom Run Half-Marathon

Jess and I post-race 
What a gorgeous weekend! So thankful that I was able to spend this morning running at the Freedom Run in Valley.  When I re-wrote marathon training long runs after not recovering so well after the 70.3, this weekend included a 16.  This fit perfectly with a half-marathon!  I would just need to do 3 more miles before or after...totally do-able.  Here's the problem--I am not in fast half-marathon shape.  When I woke up this morning, I thought that it could be an interesting day.  Philip wasn't racing, so he stayed home with the boys (he'd done his 16 miler on the treadmill the day before).  I planned on meeting WRN teammate Sarah and great friend Jessica there for event.  I was seriously one of the first ones there at 6:45am (race was slated to start at 8:15am), but I wanted ample time to get my pre-race miles in, pick up my packet, use the bathroom 50ish times (y'all know the drill), etc.

I ended up running 30 minutes before the race...I was thinking about doing it after, but figured it would be safer to do it before.  When I finished, I met up with Sarah and waited for Jess.  Sarah and I talked about our goals beforehand--hers 'A' goal was 1:35, 'B' goal 1:40.  I told her that, all things considered, the best I could probably do today was a 1:37, but I was secretly fearful that I would run slower than I did at the half-ironman...I just have not been feeling good lately.

Onto the race.  The course was pancake flat, making it possible for some very quick times.  That is, if you're also good at the mental game of running a (basically) out and back route.  I do not mind these at all, but will admit it was a little tough until the fast guys starting coming back.  (I later heard that the top finishing dude won in 1:04...BLAZING fast!)  Now, keep in mind that I had already run 3+ miles before the race, but around mile 10 or so, I started fading fast.  I wasn't sure of my pace (no watch) and was PRAYING that I was on target for a sub-1:40.  Luckily, I was joined at this point by new friend Nikki...chatting with her about running, work, family, etc. saved me! Who knows how long it would have taken me to get to the finish.  We finished the race together in a time of 1:38:15.  After finishing, I joined Sarah, who ran a new PR of 1:36, and waited for Jessica, who ended up a minute shy of her PR.  Great job, girls!

After the event, we got some refreshments, received a wonderful massage, and waited for awards.  I have to say I suffered a little hit to my pride--I have been so spoiled this year by good races and new PR's that it is a little hard to accept that I ran 7 minutes off my PR at the Lincoln half this past May.  But that is also what makes racing so special--you need bad workouts and races in which you struggle to appreciate the good continually light that fire and drive to be better.  In the end, I am thankful for the ability to run this race on a beautiful day with great friends.  It doesn't get much better.

Complete results can be found here:

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