Sunday, September 21, 2014

It's GO time!

Santana and I before the Miami Marathon in 2013
These past couple of weeks have definitely shown us that Fall is approaching.  The weather has been milder (how many of you have opened your windows at night?!), days have been shorter, and the trees have been changing...perfect running weather.  Harvest Moon Hustle is a week away.  The marathon is two weeks away.  And Market to Market is only three weeks out.  I keep saying that I need to get going with my speed work again, but go time is NOW. I have been looking forward to racing an all out 5k at Harvest Moon Hustle and am getting super pumped for M2M.  Starting waves were just released and WRN is officially in the championship heat.  I want to do my part for our team, so I really need to optimize what I can put into these next couple weeks.  I can finally say that I have had a great training week.  

Here are the highlights of my week:

Monday I did 5x800 repeats with Darrin after work.  We planned on hitting up the track, but we both apparently forgot about Monday freshman football games.  No dice, so had to switch up the plan.  We  jogged a quick 800 using the GPS to mark off our new course on the trail for our workout.  We made it through five all out 8's...I didn't have my watch so wasn't sure on my time exactly, but Darrin was hitting his in 2:40ish and I was maybe 10 seconds behind him.  We jogged a mile before as a warm-up and a mile after as a cool-down.

My weekly workouts were a little tougher this week as my husband was gone for work.  I was still able to get some work in by getting up early in the morning to run on the treadmill.  Wednesday my alarm went off at 4:40am...blah...needless to say, I was very ready to be at home with the boys on Thursday.  I was able to get in a good LT session Thursday afternoon while the boys napped...3 miles in 19:33.

I was hoping to get one more good effort in before Harvest Moon Hustle on Friday, but as the week is about to start I was toeing the line as to what would be beneficial and what was just going to make me tired for Friday's race.  After getting home yesterday afternoon from my cousin's bday party in Omaha, I thought, "Well, it's now or never."  Mile repeat time.  I jogged the mile from my house to the trail (where the miles are conveniently marked off) and planned to do three repeats.  I ran the first one in 5:50.  I rested for five minutes and then did the next one in 5:53.  After this one, I was so tired I contemplated returning home, but figured that I could get the last one in if I was a bit more controlled this time.  Final repeat was in 6:17.  I finished up the workout by jogging a mile and a half home.

This morning after church, Philip and I loaded the boys up and went for a family run together.  5 nice, easy miles to recover from the week.

I hope you all got some football watching, running, and most importantly, got to spend time with your families.  Happy running! :)

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