Sunday, September 28, 2014

Race Report: Harvest Moon Hustle

Philip and I pre-race
I love racing 5k''s probably my favorite distance to race.  It hurts for the time I'm running (because I'm running HARD), but it's over in about 20 minutes. So when it came time to sign up for the Harvest Moon Hustle and I had to pick between a 5k and a 10k, it was a no-brainer for me.  5k all the way!

Several of my WRN teammates were also racing, but we were split up between the two distances.  Ann and Amy were racing the 10k while Christy, Kylie, and I were doing the 5.  My husband was also running the 10k, so I picked him up when he got off work in Lincoln and headed to Elmwood.  We parked, got our packets, and found our friends.  The 10k was slated to begin at 6:50, with the 5k beginning 5 minutes after.  I guess there was some issues with the timing mats, so it started a little late for the people running the shorter distance.  Kylie and I chatted as we waited for our race to begin.

The race started with a slight downhill before turning onto the trail for an out and back race.  Although the race directors cleared walnuts off the trail prior to the event, it was hard to get all of them off as the leaves were also falling (fall race--obviously no way around this)...with the marathon next weekend and Market to Market the week after, I was praying that I didn't twist an ankle.  I felt decent the whole race, but felt like I was working pretty hard and didn't think I could go much faster.  I wasn't sure how fast I ran and I was sans watch and the time clock wasn't going at the finish, but found out later I ran 20:14.  I have to say that I was a little disappointed with seems like every time I run a 5k, I do it somewhere between 20:00-20:30...c'mon! I'm itching for a sub-20 and not sure if I'll have another chance this season.

The post-race celebration was so great!  We had a yummy barbecue dinner and had lots of fun laughing now that our work was done.  (Seriously--racing be stressful business!!)  Anyway, great job to Zach and Heidi for another stellar event!

Next up: Twin Cities Marathon.  I'm so excited for a weekend in Minnesota and running with Philip for his first full marathon.  Cheers!

Complete results can be found here:

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