Monday, August 4, 2014

Runner Spotlight #1: Jessica Clem

Name: Jessica Clem

State: Nebraska

When and why did you start running?

I started running after my mom passed away from cancer. I had always loved to work out to stay in shape, but for some reason, after she died I found myself at the foot of a trail near my house, ready to run for the very first time. I remember feeling overwhelmed with how long the trail looked, and I gave myself a goal of running to the first bridge, which was about two blocks away. It was hard, but I made it. The next week, I decided to run to the intersection. Running gave me confidence and a distraction from life. It pushes me to be better and to always challenge myself. My running was sporadic for a few years, but I have now been running consistently (20 miles a week or more) for almost 5 years. I've never felt healthier or sexier in my life.

What is your favorite race and race distance?

The half marathon is my favorite distance. It's just far enough to feel like a challenge for your body, but easy enough that you can have a productive day afterwards. My legs don't feel too trashed, and after a nap and a recovery Bloody Mary I am good to go.

What is your race day routine?

I always make sure to have my gear laid out the night before. I pick up my packet and get the number attached to my shirt. If it is an out of town race, I have my bag packed and ready. I wake up three hours early to eat, generally a bagel with peanut butter. If it is a half marathon or less, I eat just the bagel. If it's a marathon, a bagel and banana, then a Honey Stinger waffle one hour before the start. Two cups of coffee. A little bathroom time, and I am set!

What is your most favorite piece of running gear?

For a long time it was my Garmin, but I have found it to be a bit of a distraction during a race. I've been trying to wean myself off the watch for races, but I love it for training runs. My second favorite piece of gear is a tie between my shorts from Oiselle and my capris from Old Navy.

Do you follow any diet or take any specific supplements that complement your running?

I try to eat as well as I can and I do follow a pretty specific fueling plan the week before a longer race (half or full marathon). But in general, I don't diet. As long as I get some fruit, veggies, grains, and protein every day, I feel pretty good. I take a multivitamin, but I try to get my supplements from natural, whole foods.

What do you wish you’d known when you first started running?

That it could only get better, even with the ups and downs of training. Sometimes I would have moments where I didn't feel good enough to compete, like I was too slow to even think about a time I could be proud of. And I will never be the fastest, but I for damn sure am not the slowest, and I have learned that being kind to my body, and knowing when to push and when to back off it so important for being truly healthy.

What is your fondest running memory?

Crossing the finish line of my first marathon. I ran the Des Moines Marathon in 2011, and I was terrified for a full month until race day. Luckily I had Addie there for support, and she was the one who really gave me the confidence to go for the big race. I followed my fueling plan and walked through the water stations, and never really hit a wall, but I remember being shocked at how long 26.2 miles really is. When we hit mile 25 I could hear the crowd and I started to sob. I turned the last corner, and I saw my dad, my brother, my husband, and my friend Kat standing at the finish there, all the way from Omaha. I turned into a big bawling mess. It was a transformative moment for me and my running. I knew I was hooked.

What is one thing that most people do not know about you?

I have an affinity for science fiction novels. The Dark Tower series by Stephen King is one of my favorite series. Also, I hate the ends of bananas, and I once ate two pounds of crab legs in one sitting.

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