Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'm exhausted. (Plus some good things)

As I found myself sitting in front of a blank screen, this is the thought that went through my head: "I'm so exhausted".

I'm tired in every sense.  I'm physically tired.  Any one of you with small children understands this one. Anders usually wakes up once a night to eat.  My husband is wonderful and we alternate who does "night duty"...and once I was craving a full night of sleep so badly that I exchanged two 30-minute massages if Philip would take care of the baby.  Quinn is getting his molars, so while he usually sleeps through the night (and has since he was 5 weeks old), it's hard to say what will happen when those dreaded teeth are involved.  Poor kid.  That has to hurt horribly.  Philip and I have still been getting up around 5am to do our morning workouts. As I have previously mentioned, Philip is ridiculously good at this.  Usually, it's enough to drag me out of bed as well.  Sometimes, I'll ask Philip to "kindly encourage" me to get up, and to him, this means ripping the sheets off of me.

I'm so tired of dealing with so many doctors.  I'm tired of appointments.  Today we had three appointments, one after the next this morning.  I know that many of you saw on Facebook that we were going to be having a surgery called a fundoplication for Anders...now I'm not exactly sure if that's happening or not.  The lung doctor said we needed to, but then talked to the stomach doctor a few days later who said we didn't need to after looking at a biopsy.  It's so so hard to figure out what to do.

I'm tired of being homebound.  Please know that I DO understand that this is what's best for Anders, and his needs come first EVERY time.  But that fact doesn't make it easy.  We sent Quinn to my parent's house for Easter, and Philip and I stayed home with Anders.  Anders still isn't able to go to church or be in large groups, so I stayed home with him while Philip went to church.  Very strange for both of us...for Philip to attend the service alone and for me to miss Easter morning service entirely.

Being tired makes me feel sad.  So, let's talk about some awesome things.

  • Nicole Mercer came to visit us while we were at Children's.  Prior, she had mailed me a devotional entitled "Jesus Calling" which I have been reading every night.  Nicole also has a sick child, so when we saw each other, we both burst into tears.  We both understand how much it hurts to see our child struggle.  Anyway, Nicole is a wonderful example of a person who completely trusts in God even though we don't always understand His plan.

  • My sister-in-law Kellen has been training for the Lincoln half marathon.  Last week, we ran 10 miles together and she did awesome.  

  • The weather is absolutely gorgeous today.

  • Many people I know ran the Boston Marathon and rocked it.  Amazing!

  • I am almost done with the third book of the Divergent series. (FYI--The movie was really good!)

  • Market to Market Iowa is coming up! :)

  • Quinn will turn 2 on May 10.  Anders is over 8 months old.  My husband will turn 32 at the end of the month.

  • Shelly Benshoof is an incredible person. So blessed to have her as a friend.

  • I'm so proud of our Women Run Nebraska athletes.  We've been around for only a short time, and already y'all are doing impressive things!

  • My family is amazing.  Always loving and always willing to help.

  • I have the most wonderful husband.  Ever.

  • My cousin Megan and friend Denae's babies are due very soon!

I'm sure that I can come up with many other great things, but I think that is enough.  Happy Tuesday and happy running...get outside if you can, it doesn't get any nicer!

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