Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Life Happens

Emilie is getting married this weekend! :)
Obviously life happens. And while running is important to me, there are many things that are MORE important.   Life has seemed to be happening a lot lately in our house; some of it planned and some not so much.  It goes without being said that my family is, and always will be, my number one priority.  Always.  So when Anders was hospitalized, it didn't cross my mind that I was missing workouts until we made it home Friday evening.  At that point, Philip and I decided that I would run the Havelock 10k (which I wrote about in the previous entry).  Sometimes our plans work out, and sometimes they are drastically different than we have envisioned.

So, fast forward to this week...which is MUCH better than the previous one.  Anders is now being exclusively tube fed.  Because he was unable to keep any food in his stomach, this tube bypasses it and goes directly into his small intestine.  And although we are now learning the ins and outs of yet another machine, Anders is much happier and healthier.  We are still doing a surgery at the end of June to hopefully repair his stomach, but wanted to have a couple weeks of very solid nutrition so he can go into the surgery as strong as possible.  With these changes, Anders is now able to do tummy time and practice rolling over.  It was really hard to do this before as he was spending most of his day either eating or staying as still as we could keep him so there would be a better chance of him keeping his food down.

In addition to everything that is going on with Anders, my sister is GETTING MARRIED this week, woo hoo!  I'm so excited for my sister and her fiance Josh to tie the knot on Saturday.  Although we've known about this for quite some time, Philip and I are still discussing how all is going to come together with two little boys.  This will be a very fun weekend for us, but it will be exhausting as well...and all of you with littles know how hard missing nap time can be!

We obviously will not be getting any workouts in over the weekend, so are having a rather "top heavy" week.  We completed our long run for marathon training (10 miles) on Sunday, I did three workouts on Monday...a 3 mile run, 30 minutes on the spin bike, and 30 minutes on the elliptical. (I am totally aware of how that might sound a little crazy.  While I might frequently do two-a-days, I very rarely do three-a-days.)  Yesterday, Philip and I did our third brick workout as we prepare for our 70.3 in August.  We biked 40 miles and then ran 5.  I am not sure how many of these half-irons we are going to be able to do because they are SO time consuming!  We started a little after 4:30pm and it wasn't until 9:30 that we were finally able to eat dinner.  I think it took us two hours and 10 minutes to bike, and a little over 40 to run...but factor in transition time between the bike and run, putting our boys to bed when we got home, taking an ice bath and then shower, and finally eating supper.  And with this much volume over such a short time, making sure we are doing everything possible to recover is crucial.  NONE of the workouts we are doing will benefit us if we aren't able to recover.

Although this blog post seems a bit all over the place, here is my point: Life happens.  Some of it you can plan for (my sister's wedding) and some you cannot (Anders' hospital stay).

Happy running!

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