Friday, December 18, 2015

The frantic reality behind attempting to do it all...

So yes, I realize that it is December and that, for all of us, it's a busy time of year.  But lately I have been struggling to find time for everything.  My alarm clock has been inching dangerously earlier and earlier, finally finding a stopping point at 4:10am. (Isn't this the middle of the night?!)  On the surface, I feel like it appears that our little family is organized and functioning well (which for the most part it is), but as the week goes on I find myself running around like No-Noggin (Are you wondering who that is? Clearly, you don't have a toddler who requests the 'Curious George' Halloween special over and over and over again...) Here is a snapshot of how our Wednesday looked:

4:10am-alarm goes off.  I lay there for a minute or two before convincing myself that it's going to be just as hard to get up at 5:10.  Have you ever noticed that your bed will never be as wonderfully comfortable as it is when the alarm goes off?  Boo.  And I have to go down to the cold basement.

4:30am-I hop onto my treadmill for a quick three miles, then switch to the spin bike for an hour session. (This isn't so bad...I get to spend this time watching guilty pleasures such as 'Revenge' and 'Pretty Little Liars'!)  I am reminded by my choice of television shows that some people's lives are way more dramatic than mine.

6am-I get myself ready for work and the boys ready for their day. (YES, Philip is a vital help! Have I mentioned lately how great he is?! Our current routine is that I get Quinn ready and Philip gets Anders ready.)

6:45am- We leave for Columbus to drop boys off at my folks' for the day. (Anders has been attending feeding therapy at Wiggles and Giggles and both boys have dance lessons on Wednesdays in Columbus.)

8-4:30pm- I teach Life Skills at the ESU 7.  Typically I leave around 4, but I had a meeting today.

4:30-5:30pm-I pick up the boys and we drive back to Seward.  I explain to Quinn that I cannot change the fact that Seward is 60 minutes away. ("Say it's only 10 miles more, Mom! 10!! Say it!"..."Well, Quinn, I can say that it is, but that does not make it a true statement.")

5:30-6:45- Philip and I feed boys and go over Quinn's bible verse for Awana. (Philip leaves at 6 to take Quinn to Awana) I take a quick shower with both Anders and both kittens locked in the bedroom so that everyone stays supervised and out of mischief, and then Anders and I leave for church.  On the way to church I think about how guilty I feel about taking the shower when the house is so messy. Toys are everything. Laundry is all over.  Mail is all over. I feel a little bit better when I remind myself that at least the cats have been eating what the boys drop on the floor during meal time.

7-7:45- Church service.  I leave early to pick up Quinn from Awana.

**So here is where I insert that during the entire church service, I was frantic that there was so much to get done once we got home.  Usually, I get everything lined up for the next day before we eat supper so that everyone is able to relax for a bit.  Sadly, I cannot say that I have any idea what the sermon was about.
When I had gotten Quinn picked up and was driving home, I called Philip to find out what was decided about the upcoming Godparent dinner, and here was how our conversation went:
Philip: "I feel really good about how Wednesday went!" 
Me: "WHAT?! You do?! I do not feel good about it! We still have so many things to do before bed! 
I proceed to go through the list that had been running through my head the entire service.
Philip suggests that maybe we should get off the phone so he can start making Anders' food.

8-9ish-We get the boys ready for bed, set out outfits for the next day, make Anders' breakfast and lunch for daycare, set coffee pot for am, take care of cats, pick up house, get ready for bed.  Whoosh.

*******Day is over! On to Thursday!**************

Disclaimer: Of course not every night of ours is like this...Wednesdays are by far the busiest.  Most days, I feel like I am keeping all of the ends tied together, but it all seems to be close to unraveling by midweek.  My early mornings are starting to get to me...I am so exhausted that I am never able to watch tv or unwind before bed.  (We do try to watch an episode of whatever show we are currently watching...I usually fall asleep within the first five minutes or so.)

So--I am on the brink of Christmas vacation...two glorious weeks with my boys, my family, and myself.  My goal is to relish all of the slower moments with my children (if you know Quinn, there aren't many of these!) and to enjoy the downtime.  Life is moving four million miles per minute and this will all be over way too fast!

And I'll end with just a quick note on running/training.  While I do not have plans for 2016 completely solidified, I am currently signed up for two indoor triathlons, the first of which is January 3rd.  I am very excited to compete once again, as I wasn't able to do as much as I'd have like with at least half of the past year going to Ironman training.  Here's to 2016!

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